Mission statement of the “Stadtmuseum Nordhorn”
“Stadtmuseum Nordhorn” collects, preserves, researches and conveys the life and work of the people of Grafschaft Bentheim district as one of the most north-westerly textile regions in Germany from the end of the 18th century to globalisation today by means of testimonies and memories.
The history of the town during the last 200 years is inextricably linked to the history of the textile industry. “Stadtmuseum Nordhorn” preserves the cultural heritage and historical memory of the town of Nordhorn.
As a place for the lively communication of history, “Stadtmuseum Nordhorn” is committed to the ICOM standards as well as the guidelines and directives of the “Deutscher Museumsbund” (German Museum Association) and the “Museumsverband Niedersachen und Bremen” (Museum Association of Lower Saxony and Bremen).
Cooperative, networked work with external partners, specialists, regional and national museums and educational institutions ensures a stable network for the town museum.
As an industrial museum in Grafschaft Bentheim district, it is a forum for discussions of contemporary issues and future tasks of the textile region.
A varied programme of events and exhibitions invites visitors to explore and rediscover the museum.
Volunteer work is used in a targeted manner, meaningfully enriches the full-time museum work and contributes to the local integration of the museum in the town and region.
“Stadtmuseum Nordhorn” appeals to the present and former inhabitants of the Grafschaft Bentheim district, the professional public of the textile and clothing industry, especially in the field of education as well as to people who are enthusiastic about photography, fashion and Nordhorn.
The digital space is used for target-oriented events. Beyond opening hours and entrance fees, “Stadtmuseum Nordhorn” and its collections can be seen and experienced interactively.
“Stadtmuseum Nordhorn” explicitly aims to establish and promote dialogue between the museum and its guests. Visitors are invited to tell their own story(ies).
“Stadtmuseum Nordhorn” works in open dialogue as a cultural institution in the surrounding urban society.
As a modern cultural institution, the museum is open to everyone, regardless of origin, physical condition, age or nationality.